“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”

Benjamin Franklin

Founding Father of the United States

Application Procedure

The application process is one of the most critical, yet tasking part of the entire educational journey. But if executed well, will yield you the best opportunity for your future. Our experts are here to help you with, and not limited to, your application for : –





Doctoral Programs

Choice of University

With thousands of universities to choose from around the world, it is one of the most critical decisions you’ll make when it comes to selecting a school. Given the countless options out there, you might decide to just pick one and settle with it. However, from experience, we know that this is one of those junctions where you’ll need to take your time of this journey. We guarantee you that, choosing the right university is one of the most important things you’ll do in your life. Why is it important ?

The Right Major

The Right Location

The Right Environment

The Right Accreditation

The Right Cost (ROI)

The Right Scholarship & Faculty Support

The Right Career Opportunity

Course Selection

We all know that each of us are unique, like the fingerprints on your hands.Each of us have a different
interest aspiration, skill, and abilities. Research show that, being able to understand and identify these key factors are crucial in taking the right path early on in your educational journey. Are you someone that’s got an abstract imagination and passion for music or art, or do you have a calculative mind that drawn to facts and figures?


In some cases, these interests are apparent by the time you are in your junior or senior years of your High School. But in most, you’re still discovering and exploring different fields and path, and wouldn’t know what the best option would be out there. So, to help you out, we do provide a simple but scientifically proven strengths and aptitude test that provides insights to help guide you down that road. And once you’re able to narrow down your choice, we help make sure that you pick the right university with a
strong reputable, robust curriculum, experienced faculty & resources available at their disposal to provide you the best education money can buy.

Career Counseling

One of the things I wish I had growing up, was someone to guide me through life, especially when it came to educational and career decisions. I’m grateful that it all worked out in the end, but the same can’t be said for everyone. The great philosopher Plato once said, “A good decision is based on knowledge and not on numbers.”


Career Guidance

As the world keeps changing and evolving, so does the job market and the opportunities it presents. John Ortburg, rightly said, “Prudence is foresight and far-sightedness. It’s the ability to make immediate decisions on the basis of their longer-range effects.” For instance, the career opportunities that were in demand probably 10-20 years ago might not be relevant tomorrow. So, it’s essential to have that foresight about the market and that’s where we step in to help guide you through those decision points.


Why Study Aboard?

I’d rather ask, Why not?! Since globalization is no longer a theory in a textbook, but rather the reality of today, it’s essential that you tap into all possible resources available at your disposable in order to set yourself up for success.

Pre-Departure Briefing

Leaving your comfort zone and moving to a new environment is always stressful, let alone a foreign land. In order to make this journey smooth and stress free, we choose to go the extra mile and walk beside you through

Visa Requirements


Living Arrangements

Work options

Healthcare Options


VISA Counselling

Most students dread visa interviews. Technically the final step of the abroad education process can indeed be stressful for many students. And rightly so, as a rejected visa application could very well put a definite pause in a student’s dream education. Visa counseling sessions become important as it helps students prepare for the most important interview in their education journey.
Our Counselors will provide assistance with : –

Interview preparation


Interview booking


One of the things I wish I had growing up, was someone to guide me through life, especially when it came to educational and career decisions. I’m grateful that it all worked out in the end, but the same can’t be said for everyone. The great philosopher Plato once said,

“A good decision is based on knowledge and not on numbers.”


For instance, the career opportunities that were in demand probably 10-20 years ago might not be relevant tomorrow. So, it’s essential to have that foresight about the market and that’s where we step in to help guide you through those decision points.


I’d rather ask, Why not? ! Since globalization is no longer a theory in a textbook, but rather the reality of today, it’s essential that you tap into all possible resources available at your disposable in order to set yourself up for success.